Emerging Technologies… How can they impact your career?

Have you ever heard of the term “emerging technologies”? It describes a set of promising technological innovations that have made a tangible impact on our daily lives, although they are still in the early stages of development and application.

We live in what is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution era, with innovation as its main driving force. New technologies have succeeded in integrating the digital, physical, and biological worlds, and have left a great impact on all disciplines and industries. Such technologies are of great interest globally, especially for countries seeking to foster a knowledge-based economy, like Qatar.

Although emerging technologies need years before reaching their full potential, all indications show that they will play a prominent role in defining the future of humanity.

Now we get to the most important point—how would you benefit from learning about such technologies? If you are at the beginning of your academic journey and have decided on a scientific path, be sure to learn about emerging technologies related to your field of specialization, as this could improve your chances in the job market.

You could also set bigger goals for yourself by directly contributing to the development of these technologies, or perhaps even inventing an entirely new technology. With the right skills and knowledge, coupled with a little enthusiasm and confidence, it is not impossible! Thankfully, the education system in Qatar offers scientific study that will help stimulate creativity and innovation and promote scientific research among students who are interested in venturing into this field.

Even if you have already embarked on a career, acquainting yourself with some of the emerging technologies in your field will better prepare you for the future. The more you dive into these technologies, the more chances you will have to contribute effectively to the development of your company or organization.

If you are thinking about starting your own business, there is no better time to launch a digital project based on emerging technologies. Digital business incubators in Qatar provide comprehensive support to entrepreneurs in line with the State’s endeavor to build a knowledge-based economy and achieve Qatar National Vision 2030.

Emerging technologies are also the main driver for smart cities, and Qatar is seeking to roll out smart cities throughout the entire country via the Qatar Smart Program, TASMU. The program oversees the development and implementation of smart technology solutions across five sectors: transportation, healthcare, logistics, environment, and sports.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring these technologies by reading a book, watching a YouTube video, or taking one of the thousands of courses available online.


Artificial Intelligence (AI): It is the development of systems that enable machines or devices to learn and think independently through analyzing data, before making decisions accordingly. You deal with this technology when you use the voice recognition software on your mobile

phone or while playing video games, but its impact is increasing dramatically in areas such as transportation, manufacturing, education, and customer service – and this is just the beginning! AI is closely related to other technologies like machine learning and deep learning.

Internet of Things (IoT): A system that enables devices of all kinds to connect to the Internet and collect and exchange information without human interference. You can find this technology in devices such as smart phones and fitness trackers, while it is also applied in several fields such as transportation and agriculture.

Blockchain: A technology that helps distribute information in protected digital groups (blocks) that cannot be copied or modified. Blockchain technology has emerged in recent years with the adoption of digital currencies such as Bitcoin, and its future applications will affect many sectors, including banking, insurance, and healthcare.

Big Data: As a natural outcome of the information age, we have enormous amounts of data in every field. Big Data technology enables us to use programs capable of analyzing and processing a huge and complex amount of data that regular programs cannot handle, and thus it becomes easier to obtain information and make appropriate decisions.

Robotics: The field of robotics has been around for decades, but with the help of other technologies such as IoT and AI, robots can now take over tasks that no one imagined possible. The impact of this technology is already apparent in various areas of life. It has also contributed significantly to the development of other emerging technologies such as drones, and vertical farming. 

Virtual Reality: This is a technology that allows real-world simulation through software and assistive devices. It may currently be applied more in areas related to entertainment, but it is expected to have a future impact in areas such as scientific research, medicine, and education. Related technologies include augmented reality and mixed reality.

Fifth Generation Technology (5G): In 2019, the world started transitioning to 5G networks, making it possible to exchange bigger quantities of data at high speeds. However, this technology is not only related to the communications industry; it is expected to have a huge impact on smart cities projects that include technologies such as autonomous vehicles. It will also affect the work systems of companies and institutions, as well as areas such as medicine, agriculture, and industry.

3D printing: This technology has already started to impact various fields such as medicine and engineering. 3D printing allows building a three-dimensional solid object from a computer-aided design (CAD) model. The product and materials differ depending on the design of the printer. In recent years, we have seen concrete 3D printing of buildings!

Quantum Computing: This technology has revolutionized the world of computers with its reliance on quantum mechanics for data processing, and the production of computers capable of carrying out highly complex operations that outperform supercomputers. It is expected to impact various fields including science, programming, and energy. 

Nanotechnology: A technology which allows processing matter on atomic and molecular scales. It helps, for example, in creating nanobots, which are robots that can reach the size of 0.1 micrometer! Nanotechnology is expected to have a huge impact on all aspects of our lives, especially in areas such as medicine, industry, and energy.