How To Deal With Failure

Make it a Catalyst for Success


In any field, only a few people succeeded in reaching the pinnacle and achieved what everyone else might have considered impossible. When you study such people closely, you will discover that their paths were not paved with roses, while the steps they have taken on their way up were very similar despite their different fields of interest. They all had to plan, acquire the necessary knowledge, dedicate plenty of time and effort, and persevere while constantly keeping their focus on the ultimate goal.

However, there is also a common factor that has always played an important role in their accomplishments. It is failure! None of them achieved success in their first endeavor, and their journey was often accompanied by moments of hardship, at times without even the smallest glimmer of hope. However, the main difference between these successful people and any ordinary person lies in how they faced failure, and how they used it to change their strategy and shift the course of their lives. They simply saw failure as no more than an acquired experience.

Of course, you don’t need to imitate these successful persons in their failure! You should rather imitate them in their perseverance and determination. Don’t let frustration bring you down if you fail to achieve your goal one day. You have failed at an exam? Took the wrong decision? Your project went bankrupt? It’s not the end of the road. There is always a way to recover and get back on track.

Here are seven steps that will help you take control:

  • Take Responsibility: You should know that you are the only person capable of helping yourself to find solutions and change your current situation. Take responsibility! You must admit to yourself that you made a mistake at some point. Maybe you made a wrong decision or did not choose the right time, or perhaps you were a bit reckless. Even if you were not the direct cause of the problem or perhaps some external factors were involved, you need to admit that failing to take the necessary precautions was a mistake. Now, don’t worry, you are definitely more experienced, and you will deal better with any similar situations in the future.
  • Analyze the situation: Do not keep on torturing yourself about the past. Instead, analyze the current situation and reflect on the reasons that led to failure. Look back at the steps you have previously taken and ask yourself the following questions: Did I put in enough effort? Did I give it the right amount of time? Did I plan well? Did I commit to the plan? Did I have enough information?
  • Be Positive: You should be optimistic and get rid of all negative emotions, for sadness and anger have no place in your path to success. Also, there is no room for fear as it can rob you of your creativity and problem-solving abilities. Furthermore, negative emotions and thoughts consume energy that is better be used to achieve your new goal.
  • Take the decision: This is the defining moment! Make a decision to avoid repeating past mistakes and try again. Even if you need to go back to the starting point. The real failure lies in not attempting to rise again after you fall.
  • Learn from those who made it: Talk to experienced people, such as teachers, managers, or successful entrepreneurs. Get tips that might help you plan properly this time. Read the biographies of those who reached the top in the same field you wish to succeed in. It will not only give you a clear vision of what you should do, but it will also motivate you to do more. Thomas Edison went through nearly a thousand attempts before he finally invented the light bulb, and he didn’t look at those unsuccessful attempts as failure, but rather as stepping stones towards achieving his goal.
  • Put a new plan: Now that you have obtained all the information you need and hopefully learned from past mistakes, you should draw out plans to reach your new goal. Develop a long-term plan and identify the tasks required to achieve it. Choose a major goal that you are passionate about. Evaluate results from time to time, and be flexible in making changes to your plan.
  • Work hard: Hard work is what will help you to rebuild and forget about the past. Focus on yourself and not on what others have achieved. If you start losing focus, remind yourself of your ultimate goal. Be committed to your work, for even the smallest strides you take towards your goal will encourage you to keep on going. Over time your efforts will turn into giant steps and you will achieve what you desire.